Top 5 Anahata Moments of 2018
As we prepare for the busy festive season ahead, we realize that another magical year here at Anahata is coming to a close.
As an ode to this year – we’ve pulled together a compilation of Anahata’s top 5 moments in 2018 as seen through the eyes, and typed through the fingers of long term resident, Laura Chamberlain. Buckle up and enjoy our top moments of this year.
5. Blood Eclipse – July
Those of us that were up here during the Blood Lunar Eclipse enjoyed nature’s spectacle taking place above the skyline of the morning silhouetted mountains in Anahata’s backyard. We chanted, sang, and of course, shared our LOVE through Yoga practices.
As the eclipse of the moon took place to the left of us, the sun rose above the ocean on the horizon to the right. Dumbfounded, elated and connected – only a few words to describe the natural unfolding taking place in the impressively vast landscape that surrounded us on all sides. Together, we felt blessed to be alive in that moment in what seemed like Heaven on Earth.
I will never forget taking in the sights, dancing and skipping around with all the other residents, Karma Yogis and guests repeatedly singing,
‘Dance, dance wherever you may be, I am the Lord of the Dance said he, and I’ll lead you all to wherever you may be, and I’ll lead you all in the dance, said he.’
4. Vishwamitra’s Bee Sting – November
A beloved long term resident of ours, Vishwamitra came into an unfortunate incident concerning a bumble bee sting and his bottom lip. He turned up to that Saturday’s Havan unable to really do an awful lot, other than entertain the guests with the sight for sore eyes on his face. Fortunately, the sting buzzed off after an hour or two – and we all tried to be sympathetic in between outbursts of laughter as it died down. Vish, that moment will forever bee in our hearts.
3. Guru Poornima – July
It felt like Christmas had been poured into our veins as we celebrated Guru Poornima this July. This celebration gave us an opportunity to stop and take time to express gratitude to our chosen spiritual leaders or teachers that have inspired our individual paths. The full moon celebration included inspiration from Buddhist Monk, Khadrup, a Guru Havan, an intention setting Candle Ceremony, an exceptionally high energy Kirtan as well as delicious feasting in a candle lit setting.
2. India Trip – October
A total of 35 people attended this year’s 6 week India trip, from 15 different countries worldwide. This year’s India trip took place in Rikhia, where participants started their spiritual adventure by taking part in a Chakra Sadhana Retreat. Here, our guests got the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of Kundalini Yoga focusing on the chakras during asana, pranayama, meditation, mantra and sound practices.
Attendees also got the opportunity to enjoy the Navaratri chanting program, whilst integrating in general day to day ashram life. The Navaratri festival honoured the divine Goddess Durga and symbolized the journey of humanness to divinity. Celebrating this festival reminded participants of the true goals in human life and encouraged them to understand the value of doing good and overcoming negativity. Following this, the group moved to take part in a Prana Vidya Retreat, where they were educated on how to realise and expand prana for spiritual growth and healing. They also participated in Rikhia’s nutritional program, delivering an essential education on basic nutrition to the local children.
A few months have passed since the start of this year’s India retreat, and we understand that there’s a few of our India retreat guests still out there enjoying Indian spiritual life – nourishing their souls and unlocking deeper layers of understanding. We hope that as their experience continues to unfold, their paths become more illuminated everyday.
The India trip is due to take place again in October 2019. Details for next year’s event will be enlisted on the website soon.
1. Yoga & Permaculture Design Course Retreat – September
WOW, this retreat for teachers, and participants all round, was incredible! Integrating a combination of yoga practices with principles on permaculture connected the students with the teachings – allowing them to feel deeper into their education and understanding.
The leader of the course, Robina McCurdy – pioneer of the S.E.E.D programme (Schools of Environmental Education & Development) in South Africa and Brazil and community development extraordinaire – brought along with her a wealth of wisdom in keeping Mother Earth’s heartbeat alive and well. She was assisted by Guenther Andraschko – an experienced permaculture and landscape designer. His diversity of experience and Robina’s wealth of knowledge and passion really brought a fusion of practical insight in how to not only maintain, but develop our living Earth.
Throughout the course, the students got their fingers greened with composting, gardening, soil testing and much more. As a resident here at Anahata during the Retreat – it was a pleasure to enjoy the energy it generated in the students second hand, and witness the friendships it helped to form between them along the way. You could see that the students left feeling truly inspired by what they learnt from the depth of information they had been given – bubbling to bring these teachings back to their homes and communities far and wide.
On the last night of the retreat – the students revealed a song they had put together in dedication to the hard work Robina and Guenther had put in to deliver such a special course. I still have the words in my head everyday – Yooooogggaaaaaaaaa Niiiiddrraaaaaaa.
We truly hope that Anahata has served all of those that have come to us – whether that’s in finding techniques to help bring balance into their lives, or in gifting the light of illumination on their path. We hope that we have been of benefit to all of our supporters, whatsoever their need. These include participants that attend the various events and retreats, students taking part in our training programs, visiting guests, donators, residents, Sevaks, Karma Yogis, staff and local Takaka residents. Without you, the gift of Traditional Yoga couldn’t be given in the unique way that we’re able to share it.
We look forward to serving more people the gift of Yoga in 2019. May the force continue to be with us – as it continues to grow within you!
If you’re unable to join us in any of our upcoming retreats or events, but would like to support our mission of Yoga – you can now donate from the comfort and convenience of your own home. Visit our Heart Chakra page for more information.