Why Jack Came to Anahata
Lots of people come through Anahata – many are drawn by their hearts or a yearning to go deeper. Others are travelling and needing a place to rest a while. And many come to learn more about yoga, either on a retreat or as a karma yogi, and ultimately they learn more about themselves.
We want to make it easier for people, like recent karma yogi Jack, to stay longer, thanks to a campaign raising funds to financially support 3 karma yogis a year for long term stays of at least 3 months, so they can really deepen and develop as people, while being in an inspirational, supportive and dynamic environment like Anahata.
Jack recently felt drawn to stay at Anahata for some time as a karma yogi – here is his experience of transformation in his own words:
I feel that I have big dreams and aspirations for life that my mind wants to happen right away. Then life comes along and stops us right in our tracks; like the wind turns an umbrella inside out in a raging storm. This is how I feel like I was brought to Anahata Yoga retreat, after travelling from Auckland to the South Island for climbing mountains.
Since I have been here at Anahata, even in spite of the yoga practice differing to that of my training, I feel that I have greatly benefitted from the space and practice of this yoga. Being around groups of people has always felt scary for me and now I notice a great difference in the kirtan, havan and group mealtimes between now and when I first arrived (four weeks). Even the nature of those who are here is largely accommodating of any emotions that come during our life especially in times of self-reflection that takes place during the practice of the different yoga’s. As long as I have walked I have felt drawn to the kitchen. Here one of my favourite karma yoga or work tasks is working in the kitchen to prepare food with love.
The transformative environment at Anahata retreat combined with the beautiful surrounding New Zealand nature, I would recommend spending time in to anyone who feels drawn in any way to exploring more of him or herself. Just as an adventurer or explorer feels drawn to discover new continents, scale new peaks, ride new waves or light new fires.
Jack NZ
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